Critique of “Leftwing” Antivax Disinformation: Antivaxxers of All Stripes Pose a Serious Threat to Public Health
IN THE UNITED STATES, most of the Covid antivax agitation comes from rightwing sources. Read the full article here.
IN THE UNITED STATES, most of the Covid antivax agitation comes from rightwing sources. Read the full article here.
South Africa reacted with outrage to travel bans, first triggered by the UK, imposed on it in the wake of the news that its genomics surveillance team had detected a new variant of the SARS-CoV-2 [...]
Hard on the heels of the political deal-making by major powers and corporate lobbyists at the COP26 climate conference, similar manoeuvres are shaping the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) 12th [...]
While the rich nations focus on booster jabs and returning to the office, much of the world is facing devastating second-order coronavirus effects. Now is the time to build a fairer, more [...]
Through his hallowed foundation, the world’s de facto public health czar has been a stalwart defender of monopoly medicine. Read the full article here.